Sunday, March 8, 2015

Hey! What About the Dog?

So many people will identify with this: on "Justice TV" (yes, I know) was a segment about a wild 40-minute police chase that endangered hundreds of drivers and finally ended with the miscreant running the stolen SUV into a ditch.
Okay, but what does this have to do with dogs?

The cops leaped out of their cars with guns drawn, screaming at the driver. After a pause, he opened the door and slid out with his hands up. At his heels came a big white wagging dog.

Of course, my annoyance with the SUV driver turned instantly to fury. How dare the idiot endanger a dog that way? Then, as the cops swarmed him, pinned him, and handcuffed him none too gently, I kept scanning the screen for the dog. Had the cops ignored it, and let it run into traffic and get squished? Had one of them grabbed and saved it? No idea.

In shooting the SUV tires, a cop had actually also shot the runaway driver in the leg (good!) and at the end of the story the narrator summarized the charges, the verdict, the sentence, but said nothing about what happened to the dog.

What's wrong with the people who produce these shows? Don't they understand what's important?
I hope he's okay.

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